The ever-changing landscape of US Air Force Uniform Regulations means you've got to stay vigilant and compliant. That's where we come in. You do the hard work of protecting our freedom and we'll take care of the easy work of keeping you compliant. As a trusted uniform provider to the Air Force for many years, US Patriot is committed to staying abreast of the frequent changes made to AFI 36-2903 that affect your uniform, footwear, gear, and everything in between.

We've put together a no-frills guide to the Modern Air Force OCP Uniform to help guide you to the best products and services for your needs. You can also read the entire AFI 36-2903 guide here. We've also put together some information about Safe-To-Fly Boots that meet the standards set forth by the Air Force. As always, we're here to answer any questions you may have about current regulations and to get you outfitted quickly and back into the field.