US Patriot 27" Dog Tag Chain

Item# JW1242



The silver glint of dog tags and their accompanying chains are a universally recognized and vitally significant part of your military uniform. The chain keeps your identifying tags securely around your neck at all times. You don't want to be caught without the vital information on your tags, so you need a quality chain. The US Patriot 27" Dog Tag Chain includes the basic ball clasp end for easy self-attachment. Simply snap the ball out of the clasp to detach and snap the ball back into the clasp to reattach the chain. If twenty-seven inches is too long for your liking, the length of this chain can be quickly adjusted. The chain is designed in such a way that you can reduce its size by cutting off the desired length of chain to fit your preference. Made to be durable by the trusted brand, US Patriot, this chain will withstand wear and heavy usage.

  • 27" single length of chain
  • Basic ball clasp end for easy attachment
  • Adjustable length chain

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